Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Always wanted to read the entire bible in a year?

I know this is often a goal set by many individuals when they give their life to Christ, or when a new year rolls around. This is probably one of the most common goals set by Christians and perhaps also the most failed goal. But if you have this goal in mind and have not yet found a way that meets your needs to read every day, perhaps you can stop looking.

The One Year Bible Blog is written to help you get through your daily readings and puts everything you need just one mouse click away. Mike, the author, first gives you the passages you should be reading for the day and offers you a link which will pull up the passages from an online bible. Then he discusses the verses and gives his own personal insights into the scriptures. He also provides many illustrations throughout the blog to keep your creative side interested.

If all this reading still seems too daunting for you, how about listening to the verses via Windows Media Player, MP3 or subscribing via a Podcast? The One Year Bible On Radio website allows you to do just that. Listen on your way to work, to class or at the beach.

Now you've got no more excuses!!

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