"I'm an eternal optimist," Kitty told us. "I always think it's going to be better, that somehow everything will work itself out. I always thought God was my Dad, and used to talk to Him as if He was just an invisible parent – not some sort of supernatural being. I felt that He thought I was special, and He'd make sure I got through whatever it was. Whenever it seemed something terrible was happening, I had faith that I'd get through."
Even her agent has nothing but kinds words, "She's never forgotten where she came from, and how hard a road it's been. She's a leader and a teacher to those who follow the same path. Always one to help others, she actively participates in charitable activities of all kinds, and loves to be of service to others. She prefers directing, writing and producing work of a comedic genre, and is on a crusade to include a more accurate representation of ethnic minorities in the media. She believes that anything is possible and dreams are attainable here in the land of opportunity. Her feisty nature and positive spirit transcend her circumstances, and remind us all that it is a great day to be alive!"
Read the entire interview online now
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