Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Ministry Monday: Celebrate Recovery

There has been a lot in the news written about celebrities and rehab recently. I am the webmaster for an online news site called Good News Now, http://www.goodnewsnow.com/. Every day I read about 25 news sites looking for “good news” stories. Some days there is not a lot of "good news" to be found. Today was like that. But I did find an article about rehab. It was written from the point of view of an adult child of an alcoholic whose mother got help. Emily L. Hauser who writes for the Dallas Morning News talks about how rehab saves lives. It saves lives not just of the addict, but of the children of those caught in the destruction of an addiction. It is really worth the time it takes to read.

Seeing rehab for what it really is Behind the gossip is a place where lives are changed - and saved

The truth is not every one who needs rehab gets into rehab. It is expensive and not always available to the uninsured or under insured. But that doesn’t mean there is no help for those who suffer with addiction and desire to get help. Twelve step programs like AA and NA give access to anyone who will walk through the door and give sobriety a chance. I got sober in AA twenty five plus years ago. It does work if you work the program.

In the last fifteen years there has been a new group that has made head way in the recovery business. It is a Christ centered program called Celebrate Recovery. Its focus is on changing lives from the inside out. Celebrate Recovery distinguishes recovery from sobriety. I dare say it seeks to take the 12 steps of AA a step further. It does that in its central focus being a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ and a commitment to working out Biblical principles in a community of believers. This working out in community is accomplished by accountability partners, sponsor/sponsee relationships, small group and study group accountability. The thing I like most about CR as it is called, is that it really works for anyone with life issues. If we are honest we all have them. CR claims to save lives. It also claims to change lives and bring inner peace and healing. For me twenty five years sober it is a refuge from the storms of life and safe place to deal with inner issues and find healing.

If you would like to know more about Celebrate Recovery visit their website.

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