Jesse Brune: Your Happy Living Expert
Brune is a certified trainer and chef, and shares some of his philosophy on staying healthy, what to eat, and the mindset and emotional side of a workout routine. In this candid interview, Brune talks with Lifted Magazine’s Andrew Moreno about his past struggles with his own insecurities, while also speaking to the importance of remaining positive.
From This Side of the Aisle
As this month's Lifted newsletter is published, Michael D. Duty celebrates eleven years of marriage to his wonderful wife. Along the way, they've both grown, matured and changed.

Dr. George Phillies – A New Kind of President
As our political dialog continues, Lifted Magazine and Andrew Moreno decided to continue in our pursuit to fully educate our readers on select presidential candidates. This time around, Lifted Magazine's Andrew Moreno sat down with Dr. George Phillies, a 2008 Libertarian Presidential Candidate.
Ministry Showcase
Art Informed by Faith
Sometimes something influences your life unexpectedly. You read a book, meet a person or experience a loss or illness and your life changes. If the influence is profound enough, your world view may even change. For Raleigh artist Kathy Ammon it was a sermon (or to be exact a series of sermons) she heard at her new church, Apex United Methodist Church, that moved her life and her art into a new direction.
Read more of our recently added Faith articles:
Read more of our recently added entertainment articles:
- A New Day...with CĂ©line Dion
- The 9th Annual CineVegas Film Festival
- New Releases: Le Vie En Rose
- And the winner is...John Heffron
What's coming up soon on LiftedMagazine.com?
- Brett Barrett from Las Vegas' Phantom of the Opera
- Career: Interviewing as a Christian
- College: Tips for Entering Freshmen
- We Are Marshall DVD Review
- Theatrical Review of The Elephant Man
- and much, much more!
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